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The Truth About Being An Insurance Agent

What is it really like to be an insurance agent? Is it a rewarding career or a stressful job? How much money can you make and what are the challenges you face? Find out the truth about being an insurance agent from someone who has been there and done that.


Insurance agents are professionals who sell insurance products and services to customers. They may work for an insurance company or as independent brokers. Insurance agents can specialize in different types of insurance, such as life, health, property, or auto insurance.

Being an insurance agent can be a rewarding career, but it also comes with some challenges and realities that you should be aware of before you decide to pursue this path. In this article, we will reveal 10 truth about being an insurance agent that you may not know.

1. You need to get licensed and certified

To become an insurance agent, you need to obtain a license from the state or province where you plan to operate. The licensing requirements vary depending on the type of insurance you want to sell and the jurisdiction you are in. Generally, you need to complete some pre-licensing education courses, pass a written exam, and pay a fee. You may also need to undergo a background check and fingerprinting.

In addition to getting licensed, you may also need to get certified by certain organizations or associations that represent your niche or specialty. For example, if you want to sell life insurance, you may need to get certified by the Life Underwriter Training Council (LUTC) or the American College of Financial Services (ACFS). These certifications can help you gain more credibility and recognition in the industry.

2. You have to build your own client base

As an insurance agent, you are responsible for finding and attracting your own customers. You have to market yourself and your services, network with potential clients, generate leads, and follow up with prospects. You have to be proactive, persistent, and persuasive in convincing people to buy insurance from you.

Building your own client base can be challenging, especially when you are starting out. You may face a lot of competition from other agents and online platforms that offer similar products and services. You may also have to deal with rejection and objections from customers who are not interested or satisfied with your offers.

To succeed as an insurance agent, you need to have a solid marketing strategy, a strong personal brand, and a good reputation. You also need to provide excellent customer service, build trust and rapport with your clients, and maintain long-term relationships with them.

3. You earn commissions and bonuses

One of the main benefits of being an insurance agent is that you can earn commissions and bonuses based on your sales performance. The amount of commission you earn depends on the type of insurance product you sell, the premium rate, and the commission structure of your company or broker. Typically, commissions range from 5% to 25% of the premium amount.

In addition to commissions, you may also earn bonuses from your company or broker if you meet certain sales targets or quotas. Bonuses can be based on the number of policies sold, the amount of premium generated, or the retention rate of your clients. Bonuses can vary from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars per month.

However, earning commissions and bonuses also means that your income is not fixed or guaranteed. Your income may fluctuate depending on the market conditions, customer demand, and your sales performance. You may also have to pay for some expenses out of your own pocket, such as marketing materials, travel costs, or office rent.

4. You have flexible working hours

Another advantage of being an insurance agent is that you have flexible working hours. You can set your own schedule and work at your own pace. You can choose when and where to work, whether it is at home, in an office, or on the road. You can also decide how much time to spend on each client or task.

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Having flexible working hours can give you more freedom and control over your work-life balance. You can adjust your work hours according to your personal preferences, family obligations, or other commitments. You can also take advantage of peak seasons or periods when customers are more likely to buy insurance.

However, having flexible working hours also means that you have to be disciplined and organized in managing your time and tasks. You have to plan ahead and prioritize your activities according to their importance and urgency. You also have to be available and responsive to your clients’ needs and requests at any time.

5. You have to keep learning and updating your skills

The insurance industry is constantly changing and evolving due to new regulations, technologies, products, and customer expectations. As an insurance agent, you have to keep learning and updating your skills to stay relevant and competitive in the market.

You have to keep track of the latest trends and developments in the industry, such as new laws, policies, or standards that affect your business. You also have to keep abreast of the new products and services that your company or broker offers, as well as the features and benefits of each one. You have to be able to explain and compare them to your customers and answer their questions and concerns.

To keep learning and updating your skills, you may need to take some continuing education courses, attend seminars or workshops, read books or articles, or join online forums or groups. You may also need to renew your license or certification periodically to maintain your eligibility and credibility as an insurance agent.

6. You have to deal with a lot of paperwork and regulations

Being an insurance agent involves a lot of paperwork and regulations. You have to fill out and submit various forms and documents, such as applications, contracts, policies, claims, or reports. You have to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and compliant with the rules and standards of your company, broker, or regulatory body.

You also have to follow and adhere to the laws and regulations that govern the insurance industry in your jurisdiction. You have to be aware of the rights and obligations of both the insurance provider and the customer, as well as the ethical and professional conduct expected of you as an insurance agent.

Dealing with a lot of paperwork and regulations can be tedious, time-consuming, and stressful. You may have to use different software or systems to process and manage them. You may also have to deal with audits, inspections, or investigations from your company, broker, or regulatory body if there are any errors, discrepancies, or complaints.

7. You face a lot of risks and challenges

Being an insurance agent is not a risk-free or easy job. You face a lot of risks and challenges that can affect your business and income. Some of these risks and challenges are:

  • Market risk: The demand for insurance products and services may fluctuate depending on the economic conditions, consumer preferences, or social trends. You may face lower sales or higher cancellations during recessions, crises, or disasters.
  • Competition risk: The insurance industry is highly competitive and saturated with many players, both online and offline. You may face difficulty in differentiating yourself and your offers from others. You may also face price wars or undercutting from other agents or platforms.
  • Legal risk: The insurance industry is highly regulated and subject to various laws and regulations. You may face lawsuits or penalties if you violate any of them. You may also face disputes or claims from your customers if they are unhappy or dissatisfied with your products or services.
  • Fraud risk: The insurance industry is prone to fraud and scams from both customers and providers. You may encounter customers who lie about their information, circumstances, or claims to get lower premiums or higher payouts. You may also encounter providers who cheat or deceive you about their products, services, or commissions.

To cope with these risks and challenges, you need to have a strong risk management strategy, a contingency plan, and a reliable support system.

8. You can make a positive impact on people’s lives

Being an insurance agent can also be a fulfilling career because you can make a positive impact on people’s lives. You can help people protect themselves and their loved ones from unforeseen events and losses. You can help people achieve their financial goals and dreams. You can help people improve their quality of life and well-being.

By being an insurance agent, you can make a difference in the world by providing valuable products and services that people need and want. You can also build meaningful relationships with your customers by understanding their needs, preferences, and situations. You can also educate them about the importance and benefits of insurance.

By making a positive impact on people’s lives, you can also gain personal satisfaction and happiness from your work. You can also earn respect and appreciation from your customers, colleagues, and peers.

9. You need to love what you do and be driven by your goals

Being an insurance agent requires love and drive. You need to love the insurance industry and the products and services you offer. You need to be driven by the goals and rewards that you set for yourself.

Love and drive are essential for being an insurance agent because they inspire you to perform well and achieve success in your career. They also help you overcome the challenges and difficulties that you may encounter along the way.

To love what you do and be driven by your goals, you need to have a passion, a purpose, and a plan. You need to have a passion for helping people protect themselves and their loved ones from unforeseen events and losses. You need to have a purpose for making a positive impact on people’s lives and the world. You need to have a plan for reaching your financial, professional, and personal goals and dreams.

By loving what you do and being driven by your goals, you can enjoy your work and your life without compromising either one.

10. You have to be adaptable and resilient

Being an insurance agent also requires adaptability and resilience. You have to be adaptable to the changing needs and expectations of your customers, the evolving trends and developments in the industry, and the varying market conditions and opportunities. You have to be resilient to the ups and downs of your business, the stress and pressure of your work, and the risks and challenges that you face.

Adaptability and resilience are crucial for being an insurance agent because they enable you to cope with change and uncertainty, overcome obstacles and setbacks, and bounce back from failures and losses. They also help you grow and improve as a professional and as a person.

To be adaptable and resilient, you need to have a positive mindset, a growth mindset, and a learning mindset. You also need to have a clear vision, a realistic plan, and a strong will.


Being an insurance agent is a rewarding but challenging career. It has its pros and cons, its benefits and drawbacks, its opportunities and threats. It is not for everyone, but it may be for you if you have what it takes.

If you are interested in becoming an insurance agent, you should do some research, talk to some experts, and weigh your options. You should also prepare yourself mentally, emotionally, and financially for the journey ahead.

Being an insurance agent can be hard, but it can also be fun, exciting, and fulfilling. It all depends on how you approach it and what you make of it.


Here are some frequently asked questions about being an insurance agent:

How much does an insurance agent make?

The average salary of an insurance agent in the United States was $52,180 in 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, this may vary depending on the type of insurance, the location, the experience, the company or broker, and the commission or bonus structure.

What are the skills and qualities of a good insurance agent?

Some of the skills and qualities of a good insurance agent are:

    • Communication skills: You need to be able to communicate effectively with your customers, colleagues, and providers. You need to be able to listen actively, speak clearly, write concisely, and present persuasively.
    • Sales skills: You need to be able to sell your products and services to your customers. You need to be able to identify their needs, offer solutions, handle objections, close deals, and follow up.
    • Customer service skills: You need to be able to provide excellent customer service to your customers. You need to be able to answer their questions, address their concerns, resolve their issues, and satisfy their expectations.
    • Analytical skills: You need to be able to analyze data and information related to your products, services, customers, market, and industry. You need to be able to interpret numbers, charts, graphs, reports, and trends.
    • Organizational skills: You need to be able to organize your time and tasks efficiently and effectively. You need to be able to plan ahead, prioritize your activities, manage your resources, and meet your deadlines.
    • Interpersonal skills: You need to be able to interact well with people from different backgrounds, cultures, personalities, and situations. You need to be able to build rapport, trust, and relationships with your customers, colleagues and providers.
    • Ethical skills: You need to be able to follow and adhere to the ethical and professional standards and codes of conduct of your company, broker, or regulatory body. You need to be honest, fair, respectful, and responsible in your work.

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What are the benefits and drawbacks of being an independent insurance agent vs. a captive insurance agent?

An independent insurance agent is an agent who works for himself or herself and can sell products and services from multiple insurance companies or brokers. A captive insurance agent is an agent who works for a specific insurance company and can only sell products and services from that company.

Some of the benefits of being an independent insurance agent are:

  • You have more freedom and flexibility in choosing your products, services, prices, and commissions.
  • You have more opportunities and potential to expand your market and customer base.
  • You have more control and autonomy over your business and income.

Some of the drawbacks of being an independent insurance agent are:

  • You have to bear more costs and risks associated with running your own business, such as marketing, licensing, certification, or office expenses.
  • You have to deal with more paperwork and regulations from different companies or brokers.
  • You have less support and guidance from a single company or broker.

Some of the benefits of being a captive insurance agent are:

  • You have more support and guidance from a single company or broker, such as training, mentoring, or leads.
  • You have less paperwork and regulations to deal with from a single company or broker.
  • You have more stability and security in your income and career.

Some of the drawbacks of being a captive insurance agent are:

  • You have less freedom and flexibility in choosing your products, services, prices, and commissions.
  • You have less opportunities and potential to expand your market and customer base.
  • You have less control and autonomy over your business and income.

How do I become a successful insurance agent?

There is no one formula or recipe for becoming a successful insurance agent. However, some of the tips and strategies that may help you are:

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  • Set realistic and measurable goals for yourself and track your progress and performance regularly.
  • Develop a unique selling proposition (USP) that differentiates you and your offers from others.
  • Create a professional and attractive personal brand that showcases your skills, qualities, and values.
  • Invest in your education and training to improve your knowledge, skills, and credentials.
  • Use various marketing channels and tools to promote yourself and your services, such as social media, websites, blogs, newsletters, or referrals.
  • Network with other professionals and potential customers in your niche or industry, such as attending events, joining groups, or participating in forums.
  • Provide excellent customer service to your customers by being responsive, attentive, helpful, and courteous.
  • Build trust and rapport with your customers by being honest, transparent, respectful, and empathetic.
  • Maintain long-term relationships with your customers by following up, providing value-added services, asking for feedback, or offering incentives.
  • Seek feedback and advice from your mentors, peers, or customers to learn from your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Keep learning and updating yourself on the latest trends and developments in the industry, such as reading books, articles, or reports, attending seminars or workshops, or joining online courses or forums.
  • Be adaptable and resilient to the changing needs and expectations of your customers, the evolving trends and developments in the industry, and the varying market conditions and opportunities.
  • Be passionate and motivated by the goals and rewards that you set for yourself and the positive impact that you make on people’s lives.

What are some of the best insurance companies or brokers to work for as an insurance agent?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as different insurance companies or brokers may offer different products, services, prices, commissions, bonuses, support, training, culture, or reputation. However, some of the factors that you may consider when choosing an insurance company or broker to work for are:

  • The type of insurance products and services that they offer and how they match your niche or specialty.
  • The commission or bonus structure that they offer and how they match your income goals and expectations.
  • The support or guidance that they provide and how they match your needs and preferences.
  • The training or education that they provide and how they match your skills and credentials.
  • The culture or values that they have and how they match your personality and style.
  • The reputation or recognition that they have and how they match your credibility and brand.

Some of the examples of insurance companies or brokers that are known for their products, services, commissions, bonuses, support, training, culture, or reputation are:

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State Farm is one of the largest and most popular insurance companies in the United States. It offers a wide range of insurance products and services, such as auto, home, life, health, business, or farm insurance. It also offers financial products and services, such as banking, investing, or retirement planning. State Farm offers competitive commissions and bonuses to its agents based on their sales performance. It also provides extensive support and training to its agents through its online platform, local offices, or regional centers. State Farm has a strong culture of customer service, community involvement, and diversity and inclusion. State Farm has a high reputation and recognition in the industry and among customers.

Allstate is another large and popular insurance company in the United States. It offers a variety of insurance products and services, such as auto, home, life, renters, motorcycle, boat, or business insurance. It also offers financial products and services, such as annuities, mutual funds, or college savings plans. Allstate offers attractive commissions and bonuses to its agents based on their sales performance and customer retention. It also provides comprehensive support and training to its agents through its online platform, local offices, or regional centers. Allstate has a culture of innovation, empowerment, and social responsibility. Allstate has a good reputation and recognition in the industry and among customers.

Farmers is another large and popular insurance company in the United States. It offers a range of insurance products and services, such as auto, home, life, renters, business, or recreational vehicle insurance. It also offers financial products and services, such as retirement planning, investment management, or estate planning. Farmers offers generous commissions and bonuses to its agents based on their sales performance and customer satisfaction. It also provides extensive support and training to its agents through its online platform, local offices, or regional centers. Farmers has a culture of teamwork, integrity, and customer focus. Farmers has a high reputation and recognition in the industry and among customers.

Progressive is one of the largest and most innovative insurance companies in the United States. It offers a variety of insurance products and services, such as auto, home, renters, motorcycle, boat, or commercial auto insurance. It also offers financial products and services, such as loans, credit cards, or savings accounts. Progressive offers competitive commissions and bonuses to its agents based on their sales performance and customer loyalty. It also provides extensive support and training to its agents through its online platform, local offices, or regional centers. Progressive has a culture of creativity, diversity, and fun. Progressive has a high reputation and recognition in the industry and among customers.

These are just some of the examples of insurance companies or brokers that you may consider working for as an insurance agent. You may also explore other options that suit your needs and preferences.

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