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Reasons You’ll Fail As An Insurance Agent

Are you thinking of becoming an insurance agent? Before you do, read this article to find out the common reasons why you may fail as an insurance agent and how to avoid them. Learn from the mistakes of others and succeed as an insurance agent.


Reasons You’ll Fail As An Insurance Agent

Insurance agents are professionals who sell insurance products and services to customers. They may work for an insurance company or as independent brokers. Insurance agents earn commissions from the policies they sell, and may also receive bonuses, incentives, and other benefits.

Being an insurance agent can be a rewarding career for some people, but it also comes with many challenges and drawbacks. In this article, I will share some of the common reasons why you may fail as an insurance agent, especially in Nigeria, and how to avoid them. I will also answer some frequently asked questions about this topic.

The Truth About Being An Insurance Agent

Being an insurance agent is not as easy or glamorous as it may seem. There are many myths and misconceptions about this profession that may mislead or discourage you from pursuing it. Here are some of the truths about being an insurance agent:

1. You have to work hard.

Being an insurance agent is not a get-rich-quick scheme or a passive income source. You have to work hard to generate leads, market yourself, and build relationships with your clients. You have to deal with rejection, competition, and complaints. You have to constantly update your knowledge and skills to keep up with the changing regulations and customer needs.

2. You have to invest your own money.

Being an insurance agent is not a free or cheap career option. You have to invest your own money to get trained and certified as a licensed insurance agent. You also have to pay for your own marketing materials, transportation, phone bills, and other expenses related to your business.

3. You have to follow ethical standards.

Being an insurance agent is not a shady or dishonest job. You have to follow ethical standards and legal requirements when selling insurance products and services. You have to be honest, transparent, and professional with your clients and prospects. You have to respect their privacy and confidentiality. You have to avoid conflicts of interest and fraud.

I Hate Being An Insurance Agent

I hate being an insurance agent because it makes me unhappy and miserable. Here are some of the reasons why I hate being an insurance agent:

1. I hate the pressure.

Being an insurance agent puts a lot of pressure on me to meet sales targets, quotas, and deadlines. I feel stressed out and anxious about my performance and results. I feel like I am always under scrutiny and evaluation by my company, managers, clients, and prospects.

Learn Also: Will Insurance Agents Become Obsolete

2. I hate the uncertainty.

Being an insurance agent exposes me to a lot of uncertainty and instability in my income and career prospects. I never know how much I will earn in a month or a year, depending on the market conditions and customer behavior. I never know if I will be able to retain my clients or attract new ones, depending on the competition and customer satisfaction.

3. I hate the boredom.

Being an insurance agent makes me bored and uninterested in my work. I feel like I am doing the same thing over and over again, without any variety or challenge. I feel like I am not learning anything new or growing as a person or a professional.

Why Do Insurance Agents Earn So Much

Insurance agents earn so much because they are paid based on their performance and results. They receive a percentage of the premiums they collect from their clients, which can range from 10% to 50%, depending on the type and duration of the policy. They also receive bonuses and incentives for achieving certain targets, such as number of policies sold, amount of premiums collected, or customer retention rate.

Insurance agents earn so much because they also take on a lot of risks and responsibilities. They have to invest their own time and money to generate leads, market themselves, and build relationships with their clients. They have to deal with rejection, competition, and complaints. They have to constantly update their knowledge and skills to keep up with the changing regulations and customer needs. They have to comply with ethical standards and legal requirements.

Will Insurance Agents Become Obsolete

Insurance agents will not become obsolete, but they will have to adapt and evolve to the changing needs and preferences of the customers and the industry. Technology and innovation are transforming the way insurance products and services are delivered and consumed. Customers are becoming more informed, empowered, and demanding. They want more convenience, choice, and customization. They want more transparency, trust, and value.

Insurance agents will have to leverage technology and innovation to enhance their service delivery and customer experience. They will have to use online platforms, mobile apps, social media, and other tools to reach out, communicate, and interact with their clients and prospects. They will have to use data analytics, artificial intelligence, and other solutions to provide more personalized, tailored, and relevant solutions. They will have to use digital marketing, branding, and storytelling to differentiate themselves and create loyal customers.

Learn More: Why I Quit Being An Insurance Agent

Insurance agents will also have to focus on their core competencies and value propositions. They will have to provide more than just insurance products and services. They will have to provide advice, education, guidance, and support. They will have to provide solutions that address the needs, goals, and aspirations of their clients. They will have to provide solutions that create value for their clients.

What Percentage Of Insurance Agents Fail

The percentage of insurance agents who fail is high, especially in the first few years of their career. According to some estimates, about 90% of new insurance agents quit within the first year, and only 15% survive after four years. The reasons for this high failure rate are varied and complex, but some of the common ones are:

1. Lack of training and mentoring.

Many new insurance agents do not receive adequate training and mentoring from their companies or managers. They do not learn the skills, knowledge, and strategies that are essential for success in this profession. They do not get the feedback, guidance, and support that they need to improve their performance and overcome their challenges.

2. Lack of leads and prospects.

Many new insurance agents do not have enough leads and prospects to sell to. They do not know how to generate leads, market themselves, or build relationships with potential customers. They rely on their personal network or cold calling, which are often ineffective or insufficient.

3. Lack of motivation and discipline.

Many new insurance agents do not have enough motivation and discipline to succeed in this profession. They do not have a clear goal or vision for their career. They do not have a plan or a system for their work. They do not have a routine or a schedule for their activities. They do not have a positive attitude or a growth mindset.

Reasons You’ll Fail As An Insurance Agent In Nigeria

Being an insurance agent in Nigeria is even more challenging than in other countries, due to some unique factors that affect this profession in this country. Here are some of the reasons why you may fail as an insurance agent in Nigeria:

  • Low awareness and penetration.

Insurance is not a popular or widely accepted concept in Nigeria. Many people do not understand or appreciate the benefits of insurance. Many people do not trust or respect insurance companies or agents. Many people do not see insurance as a necessity or a priority.

Read More: What Other Jobs Can Insurance Agents Do

  • High poverty and inequality.

Nigeria is one of the poorest countries in the world, with a high level of income inequality. Many people do not have enough money or resources to afford insurance products or services. Many people live in rural areas or informal settlements where access to insurance is limited or nonexistent.

  • Poor infrastructure and regulation.

Nigeria has a poor infrastructure and regulation system for the insurance industry. The roads, telecommunications, electricity, internet, banking, and other facilities that support the insurance business are inadequate or unreliable. The laws, policies, standards, and enforcement that govern the insurance business are outdated or inconsistent.


Here are some frequently asked questions about failing as an insurance agent:

How can I avoid failing as an insurance agent?

You can avoid failing as an insurance agent by doing the following:

    1. Get proper training and mentoring from your company or manager.
    2. Develop effective lead generation and marketing strategies.
    3. Have a clear goal and vision for

Have a clear goal and vision for your career and work towards it.

    1. Set realistic and measurable objectives and track your progress and results.
    2. Seek feedback and improvement opportunities from your clients, managers, and mentors.
    3. Celebrate your achievements and learn from your failures.

Improve your communication and interpersonal skills.

    1. Listen actively and empathetically to your clients and prospects.
    2. Understand their needs, goals, and concerns, and provide solutions that address them.
    3. Build rapport, trust, and loyalty with them, and follow up regularly.
    4. Handle objections, complaints, and conflicts professionally and respectfully.

Invest in your own development and growth.

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    • Keep yourself updated on the latest trends, regulations, products, and customer needs in the insurance industry.
    • Learn new skills and knowledge that can enhance your service delivery and customer experience.
    • Leverage technology and innovation to optimize your work processes and outcomes.
    • Explore new opportunities and possibilities for yourself and your clients.

How can I succeed as an insurance agent in Nigeria?

You can succeed as an insurance agent in Nigeria by doing the following:

    1. Educate and inform your clients and prospects about the benefits of insurance.
    2. Use simple, clear, and relevant language and examples to explain insurance concepts and products.
    3. Address their doubts, fears, and misconceptions about insurance.
    4. Demonstrate how insurance can help them protect their financial future and achieve their goals.
    5. Target the right market segments and niches for your insurance products and services.
    6. Identify the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your potential customers in different regions, demographics, and socio-economic groups.
    7. Customize your solutions to suit their specific situations and expectations.
    8. Use online platforms, mobile apps, social media, and other tools to reach out, communicate, and interact with your clients and prospects in Nigeria.
    9. Use data analytics, artificial intelligence, and other solutions to provide more personalized, tailored, and relevant solutions to your clients in Nigeria.
    10. Use digital marketing, branding, and storytelling to differentiate yourself and create loyal customers in Nigeria.

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